RABIOPRED PROJECT We are taking the final steps for you.
RABIOPRED PROJECT         We are taking             the final steps                    for you.       

Rabiopred Project - Publications

All publications, along with some key deliverables to be generated under the framework of RABIOPRED Consortium, which is a Horizon 2020 project, will be shared with the European Community that supports this project with public funds and all interested scientific and medical communities worldwide, here on this specific web page.

Thus we thank you to check this specific page regularly and throughout the project duration. And for more infırmation, you can always contact us.

RABIOPRED is funded by HORIZON 2020
Research & Innovation Programme of EU
under the Grant Agreement No: 666798

Project Details


Reference: 666798

Duration: 42 months

Topic: PHC-12-2014

Funding: 5 Mio EUR

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